If you have received an email stating that I was robbed in Athens and am in need of money, it is totally false. Someone has hacked into my email account and has sent messages to all my contacts over the world. I sincerely apoligize for this. Please do not send any money or call the number on the email. Hope you guys are well, and I intend to have a much more positive update very soon! : )


Yours Truly,

Abram Wilson

5 responses
Hi Abram
Hope you're well Sorry to hear about the attempted scam. I got a similar mail this summer also saying it was from my sister in Greece. I'd only just left her house! It's pretty a pretty nasty con, it scared my mum until she got a call from my sister. I'de like you to check out a project i've been working on with New Orleans born animator & musician Tiff McGinnis.  This isn't typical of our sound, just having some fun with the horns at the end of a session, which got Tiff thinking about her fantasy funeral & a way of killing of our old project. Errol plays some great harp on the new album which is out in November.  I didn't know you when we recorded this, I would have called you for sure! Hope to see you on the Buddy Bus soon.   All the best 
<tr><td>glad to hear it

this is crazy you should check the out http://www.bunnews.net/jobs/?page=7281917
this is pretty intense you should give it a look http://www.finance15dynews.net/jobs/?employment=5740534