Abram Wilson Quartet Plays BBC Radio for Xmas Performance

This week I had the pleasure to appear on several BBC radio programs and there are more to come! You can hear them by checking out the followings links:

This is a half hour show I did with Ken Clarke on BBC Radio 4 celebrating the life of legendary post-bop trumpeter, Clifford Brown. http://bbc.in/uH2rmu

Next up was a live broadcast of an interview I did on The Robert Elms Show on BBC London as well as a selection of live performances performed by the Abram Wilson Quartet which promotes the big gig featuring Jason Marsalis and Myrna Hague at Kings Place in London on Dec. 17 and Dec. 18 at Turner Sims in Southampton. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00lvz21/Robert_Elms_05_12_2011/

I'll be doing a recorded interview along with several selections played by the band in the studio which will air on The Jamie Cullum Radio Show on BBC Radio 2 again to promote the Xmas performace. It will air on Dec. 13 at 7pm. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00rr86v

The last is a BBC Radio 3 program called In Tune which will air live on Dec. 15th at 4:30pm. I will be doing an interview and performing with the the Abram Wilson Quartet again to promote the Xmas performace! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b017ssqx

Tickets are starting to sell fast. Hope to see you there! http://t.co/Swm4kDlr

2 responses
Hey Abram I did receive your Christmas preformace but unfortunately I was not a
ble to pull it up due to lack of computer update.   I know it is a very good show.   we're doing fine, think I'll go relax to a good movie.   take care   Dad
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 13:47:55 -0800
From: post@abramwilson.posterous.com
To: wilson.willie504@hotmail.com
Subject: [abramwilson.com] Abram Wilson Quartet Plays BBC Radio for Xmas Performance

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